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Contact Kimberly to schedule an appointment
Individualized Plan of Care
Contact Kimberly
Contact Kimberly at or via telephone at 636-492-1437 to discuss your concerns. She will then walk you through the next steps of the evaluation process, including setting up an appointment, what to bring to the appointment, and what you can do at home to stregthen your child's skills.
In order to provide the highest quality, individualized services for clients, an Evaluation Session is required for all new clients under 3 years old who have not been evaluated by a licensed Speech Therapist within the last 6 months and for all new pediatric clients over 3 years old who have not been evaluated by a Speech Therapist within the past calendar year. This is to ensure that we are working on the most appropriate targets! A client who has been recently evaluated (as defined above) may still be required to complete informal testing. Please provide a copy of the assessment report and any accompanying documents prior to your appointment.
For more information regarding Evaluation Sessions, please visit the FAQs page.
Your Child's Individualized Plan of Care
Within five business days of a Evaluation Session, you will get an opportunity to meet (in person or via telephone) with Kimberly in order to discuss results. An Individualized Plan of Care, including your concerns, professional recommendations, goals, and resources will be created.
Services will be provided according to the Plan of Care that you and Kimberly create together. For specific information regarding the services provided, please click here.